Tuesday, March 13, 2012

More Russian dolls and a Menorah puzzle :-)

I have decided that I must have an have a thing for Russian dolls because I keep making them!
This set is a mother and her two girls.  I have learned that groupings look better in an odd numbered set.  So I made this one as 3.  Typically Russian dolls come in groups of 5.  I actually have a set of 5 that is wood burned and ready to paint, but it is in my church bag because my 3 year old loves to play with them all the time. So I never get a chance to finish them :-)
 I hope you all are not getting tired of my little wood projects that I seem to be addicted to lately.  Maybe I will try something new soon.  Anyway back to the dolls.
I should have taken a picture of these wood dolls before I painted them, but I did not think of that until after I had painted them :-/ Anyway I woodburned the designs and features and then I water colored it and sealed and buffed them.

This set is larger.  You can see how big they are from the picture above where I am holding them in my hand. This set would be a cute decoration in a kids room or they can play with it. The smaller ones would be easier to play with though.
The mother looks kinda ornery huh, but I decided I would make this set more realistic :-)  I was trying to show how Russian  pheasants really looked and felt. 

Another project I have been working on is this custom order from my Etsy store.  A lady liked my Nativity puzzles and wondered if I could make her a Menorah puzzle.  It was a lot more complicated than I thought it would be, but It turned out pretty I think.

How it works is there is a space under each candle for a chocolate coin and it is like a advent where each day you pull out a candle puzzle piece and then you set it in an upright position and eat the chocolate coin underneath. fun :-)  

Any way I made three of them and I am sending it off in the mail so I thought I would take a picture of it before I send it because it is a custom order and I may not make one again.

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