Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Fresh lettuce,spinach and peas!

The hard work is starting to pay off!  I am starting to reap the rewards of my garden!  This week the peas came on. ( My favorite veggie straight from the garden!)  I have such fond memories as a child sitting in the middle of the garden eating all the peas.  I am sure my mom never had enough to can or freeze because my siblings and I ate them all before they even made it to the house :-)  I took these pictures a few days ago.  and only a handful of peas were ready, but there are a lot more now :-)
My lettuce and spinach are ready also, but I just picked some of the spinach this day.   Notice the eggs in the upper left hand corner?  I gathered them at the same time.  Fresh peas, fresh spinach, fresh eggs, what a life!

My corn, beans and squash are coming along nicely too!  Like I said before I took these pic a few days ago so my corn is much bigger now. Remember I am going to use my corn stalks as bean poles that is why I have the corn and beans next to each other :-)

and in the mounds in between the corn and the beans I am growing squash, pumpkins and melons.

These are just babies right now, but hopefully by October we will have some cute pumpkins to carve!

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