I have pondered for several years now as how to make Christmas more meaningful for my family and help them understand the true meaning of the season! This year it has been a welcome relief to honestly not have the means to have an extravagant Christmas. I know that might sound strange that it is a relief, but it is true!
We, like a lot of families across the Nation have been hit hard by the financial Crisis and poor economy.
So this year (and I am hoping many years to come no matter what our financial situation is) I want to start a new special Christmas gift giving tradition. On the first Christmas Jesus received 3 thoughtful and meaningful gifts from the Wise men. That would be useful in his life.
So I decided that each year we would give are kids three gifts also. One being something they want and wish for, the next being something that is useful or needed, and last being something from the heart that reflects their personality, talents or hobbies
Another tradition I want to start that will hopefully bring Christ back to the center of things is that they choose a gift that they want to give Jesus. Not only for the season , but for the whole year. Something they can do to improve their relationship with Christ. Some examples might be to have more consistent and sincere prayers, letting go of a bad habit, saying I love you to someone everyday etc. I have a little gift box and on Christmas morning I want everyone to write down what they want to give Jesus that year and then we will put the papers in the box (kind of like a time capsule) and then the next Christmas we can open the box and read and be reminded of what we had promised Jesus the year before and Choose a new gift for the next year.
Another Tradition I want to start is a Family Christmas Journal. each Christmas I want to record the events of that Christmas Season and what is going on with each family member. When my Mom grew up my Grandma bought a new box of ornaments each year and they would write a poem or a write the events of that particular Christmas Season on the back of the box. I wanted to continue this tradition, but I don't need more ornaments for our tree so I thought that a Christmas Journal would be a nice replacement.
So what are some traditions you do to bring more meaning to Christmas?